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  • personalitypro 4:54 pm on May 2, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Arguing With Yourself? 

    Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

    Do you ever argue with yourself? I’m sure we’ve all done this at some point, but if your dominant personality blend is an “opposite blend” then you struggle with this every day! I like to refer to it as having a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Each of us has our own unique personality blend using the DISC Model of Human Behavior. In the DISC Model, 80 percent of people are dominant in two of the four letters. If you want a deeper look at DISC then visit http://www.UsingDISC.com for more insights. Some people have dominant letters that are considered a “natural blend”. This means both of the letters have a lot in common. These blends would be the letters D/I or S/C. Others have a complementary blend. This means both of the letters have some things in common, but other things that are quite different. These blends would be the letters D/C or I/S. The less common blend is called an “opposite blend”. With this blend, the letters have nothing in common. You are not actually born this personality blend. It happens from conditioning (which is another article in itself). When you are an “opposite blend”, you experience inner conflict on a daily basis. This happens because part of you is telling you to do things one way and another part of you is telling you to do the exact opposite. The struggle is real! Do you know your personality blend? It’s extremely easy to discover your blend by doing an online assessment. These can be purchased in our online store and are VERY reasonably priced! Not only will you discover your personality blend, you’ll also receive an insightful report. This report reveals your natural strengths, challenges, and communication style. If you’d like to find out your personality blend or simply sign up to receive our free weekly video tip or monthly newsletter, simply go to http://www.UsingDISC.com. We’d love to introduce you to a world of personality!

    About the Author:

    Angel Tucker is a communication specialist, expert personality profiler, best selling author, award winning author and mother of 5 who has been speaking professionally for nearly 3 decades! The valuable insights she shares can give her audience the tools to succeed in becoming a more impactful leader, eliminating conflict, building teams, increasing customer satisfaction and retention, reducing employee turnover, self improvement, bettering relationships, effective parenting, and so much more! As a C.H.B.C. (Certified Human Behavior Consultant) she has helped many tens of thousands of people create win/win situations in every aspect of their lives!  Her non-fiction book titled “Stop Squatting With Your Spurs On – the power to read people, get what you want, and communicate without pain became a National Best Seller the same month it was released. She is a valuable resource for media as an expert in her field and is regularly featured on National radio/television and internet venues as well as magazines. Angel is a highly sought after speaker who has worked with several well-known organizations to include Wal-Mart, EXIT Realty Corp. International, Women’s Council, San Diego State University, the United States Air Force and many more. Additionally, she has created an Award-Winning children’s book series called the “Four Pals” book series that teaches kids how to recognize different personality types and appreciate their differences. Angel pours her heart into every session she does and has a true passion for leaving the campground better than she found it as well as making a difference in people’s lives.

  • personalitypro 8:17 pm on September 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Opposite Personality Blends using the DISC Model of Human Behavior

    In addition to Natural Blends and Complementary Blends, which I discussed in recent posts, there are also opposite blends. Examples of opposite blends are: D/S, S/D, I/C, or C/I.

    If you are one of these blends, you were not born this way. You have conditioned, or taught yourself to be this way over a period of time. Typically this happens out of necessity. For example – maybe you were a first born child who was naturally an “S” but a tragic event caused you to have to raise your siblings. You would, out of necessity, most like become more “D” to adapt to the situation. There can be good or factors that shape and mold our personality type. Some people have so many learned personality traits that they actually show on an assessment as “LEVEL”! This is only about 1 percent of the population.

    When you are an opposite blend, this could easily create struggles within yourself and make you feel conflict. For example: if you are an I/C you may really want to go have some fun but you must do your absolute best on the current project and still meet deadline. Once I met an I/C who was playing with play dough and having a blast. As he was playing with the play dough, he was describing how it is sodium based, thus causing it to dry out quickly. This is the perfect example of an opposite blend! If you’ve ever seen the movie Patch Adams, Robin Williams plays an I/C blend in the movie.

    I hope this has helped you understand opposite personality blends. No matter what your blend, remember to always let your personality shine!

    If you want to know more about personality types, visit our website at: http://www.personalityprofiles.org. You can also download our free app on your smart phone which will allow you to take a free mini personality assessment! Just look for Personality Profiles LLC in your app store!

  • personalitypro 5:22 pm on August 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Affirmations for Personality Types using DISC 

    Personality Affirmations!

    Did you know affirmations are a great way to start your day? I regularly help my coaching students develop affirmations that assist them in overcoming natural personality challenges. I’d like to share some of them with you today! I recommend writing them each one time each day for 21 days. You only need to do the ones for your personality type! If you want more affirmations for your personality, email me! I’m happy to give you some more: personalitypro@msn.com.

    “D” personality types –

    I am patient!

    I show kindness to everyone I interact with.

    I enjoy spending time with family.

    I love to relax when my work is done!

    I am very likeable.

    I put my family first.


    “I” personality types –

    I always finish what I start!

    I am thankful for what I have!

    I invest and spend wisely!

    I am reliable and trustworthy.

    I always think before I speak.

    I enjoy getting tasks accomplished.


    “S” personality types –

    I take good care of myself physically and mentally.

    I am a great multi-tasker.

    I enjoy being a leader!

    I am confident and knowlegable.

    I make quick decisions effortlessly!

    I am great at persuading and motivating others!


    “C” personality types –

    I am an excellent listener!

    I enjoy considering the ideas of others.

    I love to be spontaneous!

    I appreciate change!

    I love to smile!

    I enjoy showing affection to others.

    Looking for a dynamic speaker for your next event? Contact Angel! personalitypro@msn.com.

    Angel Tucker is an expert personality profiler who has been speaking professionally at venues across North America for over 25 years! Her dynamic presentations empower people with the ability to read personality types within 60 seconds! This valuable insight can give her audience the tools to succeed in self improvement, bettering relationships, effective parenting, and job advancement! As a C.H.B.C. (Certified Human Behavior Consultant) she has helped tens of thousands of people create win/win situations in every aspect of their lives!  Her non-fiction book titled “Stop Squatting With Your Spurs On – the power to read people, get what you want, and communicate without pain became a National Best Seller the same month it was released. She is a valuable resource for media as an expert in her field and is regularly featured on National radio/television and internet venues as well as magazines. Angel is a highly sought after speaker who has worked with several well known organizations to include Wal-Mart and the United States Air Force. Additionally she has created an Award Winning children’s book series called the “Four Pals” book series that teaches kids how to recognize different personality types and appreciate their differences. Her latest writing credits include another children’s book and a collaborative effort with Authors such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfeld and Les Brown. To learn more about Angel or chat with her regarding the possibility of speaking at your next engagement, go to http://www.AngelTuckerAuthor.com and complete the “Contact Us” page.


  • personalitypro 7:51 pm on August 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Complementary Personality Blends Using DISC 

    We are all our own unique combination of the four personality types D,I,S and C. About 80 percent of us are dominant in two of the four. It other words, you have 2 types that you operate in most of the time. We call this your “blend”. There are natural blends, complementary blends, and opposite blends. This article will discuss the complementary blends. I will cover the other blends in other posts. Here is a brief description of complementary blends:

    If you are a D/C or a C/D, this is called a complementary blend. They have some things in common and some things that are very different.  If you have this blend you typically make a great business leader since you have both the drive to achieve (D) and the ability to deal with details (C). Below is a list of several  characteristics these two have in common:


    Being task oriented

    Being more private in nature with their feelings

    Liking to make plans

    Being involved with projects

    Liking things to have a process

    Making decisions based on logic


    Here is a list of differences between the D and the C types:

    D is outgoing while C is more reserved

    D believes in quantity while C believes in quality

    D prefers the bottom line while C prefers details and information

    D types think about the now while C types think about the future

    D types have moods that change quickly while C types have moods that change more slowly

    D types prefer to move quickly while C types prefer to move slowly

    D types are multi-tasked while C types prefer to work on one or two projects at a time

    D types are fast starters while C types are strong finishers


    If you are an I/S or a S/I, this is also a complementary blend. These blends also have some things in common and some which are different. If you are this blend then you are normally great when it comes to dealing with people! Here are several other characteristics these two have in common:

    Being people oriented

    Sharing emotions easily

    Showing interest in others

    Developing relationships

    Spending time with others

    Making decisions based on feelings


    Here is a list of differences between the I and the S types:

    I is outgoing while S is more reserved

    I believes in quantity while S believes in quality

    I prefers the bottom line while S prefers details and information

    I types think about the now while S types think about the future

    I types have moods that change quickly while S types have moods that change more slowly

    I types prefer to move quickly while S types prefer to move slowly

    I types are multi-tasked while S types prefer to work on one or two projects at a time

    I types are fast starters while S types are strong finishers


    If you’d like to know more about personality types visit us at: http://www.personalityprofiles.org. We have the largest selection of resources available to teach you more about personality types using the DISC model of human behavior. If you are looking for a dynamic speaker for YOUR next event, email us at: personalitypro@msn.com


    Angel Tucker is an expert personality profiler who has been speaking professionally at venues across North America for over 25 years! Her dynamic presentations empower people with the ability to read personality types within 60 seconds! This valuable insight can give her audience the tools to succeed in self improvement, bettering relationships, effective parenting, and job advancement! As a C.H.B.C. (Certified Human Behavior Consultant) she has helped tens of thousands of people create win/win situations in every aspect of their lives!  Her non-fiction book titled “Stop Squatting With Your Spurs On – the power to read people, get what you want, and communicate without pain became a National Best Seller the same month it was released. She is a valuable resource for media as an expert in her field and is regularly featured on National radio/television and internet venues as well as magazines. Angel is a highly sought after speaker who has worked with several well known organizations to include Wal-Mart and the United States Air Force. Additionally she has created an Award Winning children’s book series called the “Four Pals” book series that teaches kids how to recognize different personality types and appreciate their differences. Her latest writing credits include another children’s book and a collaborative effort with Authors such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfeld and Les Brown.

  • personalitypro 5:31 pm on July 26, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Natural Personality Blends Using DISC 

    We are all our own unique combination of the four personality types D,I,S and C. About 80 percent of us are dominant in two of the four. It other words, you have 2 types that you operate in most of the time. We call this your “blend”. There are natural blends, complimentary blends, and opposite blends. This article will discuss the natural blends. I will cover the other blends in future posts. Here is a brief description of natural blends:

    If you are a D/I or and I/D, this is what is called a natural blend. Both types are outgoing, both types live in extremes, and both types have emotions that change very quickly. There are several other characteristics these two have in common such as:

    Talking with their hands

    Interrupting when others are talking

    Speaking very quickly

    Being quick to spend money

    Getting bored easily

    Keeping items all over their desk

    Piling items when they are going from one place to another

    Being quantity driven

    If you are an S/C or a C/S, this is also a natural blend. Both types are more reserved, both types prefer to work on one project at a time, and both types have emotions that change more slowly. There are several other characteristics these two have in common such as:

    Not jumping into things right away – taking a deeper look

    Being more thrifty in nature

    Being quality driven

    Being compassionate

    Speaking more slowly

    Using few or no hand gestures

    Gathering information

    Pausing before speaking

    If you’d like to know more about personality types visit us at: http://www.personalityprofiles.org. We have the largest selection of resources available to teach you more about personality types using the DISC model of human behavior. If you are looking for a dynamic speaker for YOUR next event, email us at: personalitypro@msn.com



  • personalitypro 1:05 am on January 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    I couldn’t help but share this with you! One of my dear acquaintances sent it to me and I think it perfectly demonstrates how we are different. As you read the story, imagine the wife as an “I/S” type and the husband as a “D/C” type!

    Wife’s Diary:

    Tonight, I thought Bob was acting weird.

    We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner.

    I was shopping with my friends all day long, and I was a little late for our “date.”

    Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late; but he made no comment on it.

    So I suggested that we go somewhere quiet, so that we could talk.

    He agreed, but he didn’t say much.

    I asked him what was wrong.

    He said, “Nothing”.

    I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset.

    He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it.

    On the way home, I told him that I loved him.

    He smiled slightly, and kept driving.

    I can’t explain his behavior.

    I don’t know why he didn’t say, “I love you, too”.

    When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

    He just sat there quietly, and watched TV.

    He continued to seem so distant and absent.

    Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed.

    About 15 minutes later, he came to bed.

    But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else.

    He fell asleep . . . I cried.

    I don’t know what to do.

    I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else.

    My life is a disaster.

    Husband’s Diary:

    My boat wouldn’t start, can’t figure it out.

    Want to know more about personality type? Check our our website: http://www.personalityprofiles.orgDISC

    • personalitypro 4:00 pm on August 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Bob- Glad you are seeing the value of DISC! Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with others!

  • personalitypro 4:56 pm on February 10, 2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Did you know that the way we see ourselves is not usually the way others see us? Did you know that the way others see (or perceive) us will determine the way they RECEIVE us? That’s right! Even if their perception is wrong, they will decide whether or not they like you based on their perception. In other words, their perception IS reality – at least to them! This is why it is so important to understand how others perceive us because it will determine how they receive us! Here are some examples of how each of the personalities might be perceived:

    “D” types are actually – determined, decisive doers who can make quick decisions! They are natural leaders who get more accomplished in the shortest amount of time than any other personality type.

    “D” types may be PERCEIVED as bossy, pushy people who are rude and love to interrupt.

    “I” types are actually – outgoing, fun loving people that light up the room just by walking in! They are great at persuading and motivating others.

    “I” types may be PERCEIVED as flaky, irresponsible people who aren’t reliable and rarely tell the truth.

    “S” types are actually – caring, loving listeners who always have time for others. They would rather listen and support others than be “center stage”.

    “S” types may be PERCEIVED as weak, intimidated people who can never make a decision.

    “C” types are actually – Knowledgeable, organized thinkers who analyze carefully before making a decision. The love learning and value perfection.

    “C” types may be PERCEIVED as stuffy, judgmental people who never like to have any fun.

    As you can see, they way we actually are can be very different from the way we are perceived! It is important to understand that sometimes we need to change people’s perception of us so that we can change their reception of us!

    I hope you have found this information helpful! Remember that you can receive my free monthly enewsletter by going to http://www.personalityprofiles.org and clicking on the “Personality Pointer” button. Simply enter your email address and you are all set! There are also tons of great resources on our site to include a new “DISC Resources” section!

  • personalitypro 3:49 pm on January 7, 2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Introducing Flex Training! Now You Are In Charge of Your Training! 

    Welcome to Flex Training, where you are in charge! Flex Training is easy and effective. Simply choose the topic and an available date/time for your session. (Most offices utilize their flex training during their normal sales meetings, but this is not required). With Flex Training, you will receive a 20-30 minute live interactive training session specifically for your office via the internet. Your entire office can attend for one super low price! They will even have an opportunity to ask questions and access free online resources that apply to your session topic (if applicable). Here are some of the great benefits of Flex Training:

    *The work is done for you! Simply log on to the training using the provided link and let me do all the work!

    *Your Agents are receiving training on the subjects that are important to them and their career as a Real Estate Professional!

    *No sales pitches! Your Agents are getting high quality training without a “catch”!

    *More income for your Agents AND you! Training equals production and production increases everyone’s bottom line!

    TRAINING TOPICS: (All times are approximate and will vary based on number of attendees and attendee participation)

    What Am I Worth As an Agent? (15 min.)

    Getting Sellers to Price Correctly (15 min.)

    Effective Ad Writing (20 min.)

    Using DISC when working with Buyers (20 min.)

    Listing FSBOs and overcoming their objections (20-30 min.)

    Overcoming Commission Cutting Requests (20 min.)

    Farming with an Effective Newsletter (20 min.)

    Hiring and Assistant/Building Your Own Team (20-30 min.)

    Effective Marketing/Promotion (20-30 min.)

    Prequalifying Buyers the RIGHT Way! (15 min.)

    An Introduction to DISC (30 min.)

    What to expect from each personality type as a customer (30 min.)

    Using DISC When Recruiting (20 min.)

    Ready to join Flex Training? Email me at personalitypro@msn.com

    (Flex Training is designed specifically for EXIT Realty and is not available to any other Real Estate Franchise. We also offer live/online training for other industries.)

    • Robert Shirvanian 3:39 pm on January 3, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      I want my office to participate in this program. Please email me the information and schedule.

      Thank you!

  • personalitypro 3:19 pm on June 4, 2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DiSC Part 2 

    In my most recent post, I listed 4 tips to help create better interactions with the “D” or Dominant personality type. Here are some more tips for getting along with the “D” types!

    5. Use words that appeal to their personality! “D” types are attracted to words that emphasize “status and prestige”. Some examples would be: great, powerful, biggest, best, bold. These words peak their interest!

    6. Don’t tell a “D” type to do something! When you tell this personality to do something, they didn’t hear what you said. What they heard is “Do you want to fight?” Instead, you can use a few strategies to create that win/win situation:

                 a. Give them choices, but let them make the decision. For example: Do you want to    go to the post office first or would you rather pick up your dry cleaning first?

                b. Issue a challenge! When you tell a “D” type they can’t do something, they most likely will do it!

    7. Don’t expect perfection! “D” types believe in quantity, not quality. They do something “good enough” then move on to the next project.

    8. Keep things moving! “D” personalities get bored very easily so move quickly! They also like to work on more than one thing at a time so keep them busy!

    Want to learn more about interacting with the different personality types? Check out my best-selling book titled: Stop Squatting With Your Spurs On! The power to read people, get what you want, and communicate without pain! You can even read a few chapters for free on my blog!




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    Angel Tucker is an Expert Personality Profiler and Certified Human Behavior Consultant with over 23 years of experience as an International Speaker. She is also a best-selling Author, award winning Author, mother of 4, and a military spouse.


  • personalitypro 3:36 pm on May 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Strategies for Getting Along with a “D” type using DiSC Part 1 

    “D” personality types are those outgoing, task oriented people who have a bottom line communication style! They can be very difficult to get along with if you don’t know how to effectively communicate with them. Here are some tips for getting along with the “D” personality type.

    1. When you are asking them for  their opinion on something, or need them to make a decision – use the word “think”. For example, “What do you think about….”. This would be instead of asking how they feel. “D” types make decisions based on logic instead of emotion. If you ask them how they feel, they will probably respond with something like “Well, I think…..”.

    2. “D” types want you to be brief, be brilliant, and be gone! Remember time is money when you are dealing with this personality type so don’t try to engage in idle chit chat unless they start the conversation.

    3. “D” types don’t like to repeat themselves so listen up the first time when they are giving you information. They also don’t want you to tell them something more than once.

    4. If there is bad news you need to tell them, let them know quickly. Don’t worry about them being upset. Oftentimes, they are going to fix the problem anyway.

    I hope this gives you some great insights into interacting with “D” personality types. I will include more strategies for interacting with a “D” personality in my next blog!

    Angel Tucker is an Expert Personality Profiler and Certified Human Behavior Consultant with over 23 years of experience as an International Speaker. She is also a best-selling Author, award winning Author, mother of 4, and a military spouse.


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